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FAQ (Services for Adults)

What is a Neuropsychologist?

A neuropsychologist is a licensed psychologist specializing in the area of brain-behavior relationships. Although a neuropsychologist has a doctoral degree in psychology, he or she does not just focus on emotional or psychological problems. The neuropsychologist has additional formal training in the specialty field of clinical neuropsychology. This means a neuropsychologist is educated in brain anatomy, brain function, and brain injury or disease. The neuropsychologist also has specialized training in administering and interpreting the results of the specific tests included in your evaluation. According to the Division 40 (Clinical Neuropsychology) of the American Psychological Association the formal training includes a two year full-time Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the study and practice of clinical neuropsychology in a neurological setting (Houston Training Guidelines, 1997).

What is a Neuropsychological Evaluation?

A neuropsychological evaluation involves testing that is sensitive to problems in brain functioning. Unlike CT or MRI scans, which show the structure of the brain, neuropsychological testing examines how well the brain is working when it performs certain functions, such as remembering. The types of tests that you will take depend on the questions you and your provider have. The tests may assess the following areas: attention and memory, reasoning and problem-solving, visual-spatial functions, language, sensory-perception, motor functions, academic skills, and emotional functioning. These tests are not invasive; that is, they do not involve attaching you to machines or using x-rays. Most of the tests will involve questions and answers, or working on problems at a table. Some tests may use a computer. The neuropsychologist will also spend time talking with you about your medical, personal and academic history. The evaluation for an adult will take approximately 3-4 hours or more for a child it may involve additional appointments. Please try to be well-rested on the day of your exam and bring your eyeglasses if you need them for reading. Please do not use alcohol and/or any illicit or non-prescription drugs on the day of (or prior to) your appointment.

Why have you been referred for a Neuropsychological Evaluation?

Your doctor, healthcare provider or your child's teacher, has recommended a neuropsychological evaluation. The evaluation may help to:

     â€¢  Find possible problems with how your brain is functioning and how that is affecting your emotions

         and adaptive functioning

     •  Determine a diagnosis

     •  Identify your cognitive strengths and weaknesses

     •  Guide treatment for your personal, educational or vocational needs

     •  Make relevant recommendations to your health care provider(s)

     •  Document possible changes in your functioning over time

What will happen after the evaluation?

We will offer to schedule an appointment to go over the test results with you. With your consent, results may also be sent to the doctor or healthcare provider who referred you. We may provide specific recommendations to guide your treatment or otherwise help you in your daily life.

How can I learn more about your privacy practices?

You can download Dr. Brummett's Notice of Privacy Practices here

What is your office doing to ensure safety during the pandemic?

Please review our office safety practices here. You may also contact the office to discuss any concerns that you may have prior to the appointment.

© 2024 Neuropsychological and Clinical Services

of the Northa​mpton Area

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