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Head Injury Program

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is the leading cause of acquired brain injury in Massachussetts. According to the Statewide Head Injury Rehabilitation Commission, falls, motor-vehicle accidents, and sports-related accidents are among the most common causes of TBI. A brain injury can be a catastrophic event, leading to different degrees of cognitive changes that impact daily functioning such as performance at school and at work, emotional well-being, and social interactions.

Certain forms of head traumas such as Shaken Baby Syndrome, or other forms of abusive head traumas inflicted on children can be associated with long-lasting changes in the normal trajectory of cognitive and intellectual development. However, individuals with minor yet repeated head traumas such as Post Concussion Syndrome (PCS) or Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE) may also benefit from neuropsychological assessment and monitoring. 

A comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation remains the most accurate assessment that can monitor cognitive and intellectual changes over time, evaluate the role of pre-injury developmental conditions on cognitive decline, identify neuropsychiatric conditions such as Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), mood disorders such as depression, and changes in personality with impulsivity and aggression that can be associated with TBI. The ultimate goal of the evaluation is to provide recommendations for specific interventions and cognitive rehabilitation.

Dr. Brummett and Dr. Cianciulli offer expert, comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations of TBI across the life span. Their integrated services allow the youngest patients to be monitored and guided across their development through a coordinated and integrated approach that also includes adults and elders.

Head Injury Resources

Click below for a list of recommended resources related to brain injury.

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of the Northa​mpton Area

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